Which is the "best diet" for you?

A good diet is one you can stick with for the rest of your life.

If a certain way of eating feels like a chore and something you "must do", then eventually you will fall off the wagon at the slightest challenge.

While it's fine to do a "reset" diet from time to time: a few weeks of (for example) no alcohol, no sugar, no junk food (etc), the best way to eat is a way that is sustainable long-term, which means one that:

1. Makes you enjoy food

2. Makes you feel good (gives you energy)

3. Doesn't make you feel bloated or sleepy all the time

4. Gives you good sleep

5. Gives you good bowel movement (no constipation or diarrhoea)

6. Makes you perform well at the gym / your sport of choice

7. Gives you mental clarity

8. Gives you good blood test results (e.g. HbA1C, Insulin, vLDL./apoB)

9. Helps you lose fast & maintain/grow muscle

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