5 tips to stay healthy & still enjoy the holidays!

The year-end holidays are a crazy!

Even those of must with the most discipline tend to overeat and indulge in sugary foods, and guess what... that's perfectly ok!

No amount of eating or drinking for a period of a week or 10 days can have long-term detrimental damage.

BUT! Even a few days of overeating and consuming lots of sugary foods and beverages can DEFINITELY have an impact on your waistline and your fitness.

So here are the strategies I PERSONALLY use to maintain my fitness and bodyweight during the holidays, without having to avoid all these yummy foods!


I will practice intermittent fasting in as many days as possible.

I try to avoid eating & drinking anything with calories for a period of at least 16 hours every day: for example, from end of dinner (let's say 11pm) to 3pm, or ideally 5pm.

Fasting will lower your blood glucose, reduce the overall amount of calories you consume during the day, and give your digestive system a break.


I try to walk as much as possible during the holidays.

Walking is ESPECIALLY important AFTER a meal, as it's been shown in numerous studies to REDUCE blood sugar levels after eating.

It also helps with digestion.


I take digestive enzymes before every big meal. They support your digestive system in being able to cope with unusual types and quantities of foods.


I tend to focus on heavy strength training during the holidays, with a few cardio sessions sprinkled in.

Heavy strength training takes less time and creates a big demand on your muscles: so all the food your eat goes to repair and grow those muscles instead of being converted into fat.

I will sprinkle a few long fasted cardio sessions (long run in beautiful weather) to burn off some fat (you need to do this fasted and at low intensity for your body to burn fat).


I focus on 2 main areas of supplementation:

- Supporting my immune system: Magnesium, Zinc, and B Vitamins

- Supporting my blood sugar level: Berberine before any high-sugar meal.


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