New study: Yoga helps significantly with depression & anxiety

A new study published in Journal of Psychiatric Practice looked to investigate the effect of regular yoga practice on depression and anxiety.

Previous studies had shown that Yoga breathing techniques and postures can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety in people with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

The 12-week study involved 32 adults suffering from MDD.

People were split into 2 groups: 

Group 1 did Yoga for 3x 90min + 4x30min homework per week

Group 2 did Yoga 3x90min + 3x30min homework per week

There were significant improvements in depression and anxiety symptoms in both groups.

No significant difference in the level of improvement between the 2 groups (there were more improvements in Group 1 but only marginally).

The study concluded that:

"Increasing the cumulative amount of time spent on yoga practice led to significant improvements in increased positive engagement, revitalization, and tranquillity as well as decreased physical exhaustion."

Link to study.

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