Fertility is dropping all around the world. Don't be part of this statistic

It’s no secret that for the first time in human history, our generation will outlive upcoming generations (e.g. millennials and people born in the past 10-15 years).

However what many people are not aware of is the fact that fertility is declining in most countries, and has been declining continuously in the past 20 years.

This is due to a combination of factors impacting the reproductive health of both women and men.

Various studies over the years have revealed how high levels of inflammation (from processed foods and sugar), lack of physical activity, obesity, and other factors have a dramatic negative impact on the reproductive health of men and women.

Furthermore, studies have shown that when overweight women get pregnant, the blood supply to the baby gets compromised, leading to developmental disorders.

On a separate note, evidence from the past 10 years has demonstrated how epigenetics play a major role.

Epigenetics is the study of how our environment (including lifestyle and nutrition) impacts the expression of our genes.

What new studies have shown is that epigenetics get transmitted from parents to child. For example, you can have multiple generations of “fit” people with no overweight issues. One person develops bad lifestyle and nutrition habits, gains weight, and then all of the sudden, all future generations are prone to weight gain.

This is because that “lifestyle” triggered a change in the expression of the genes in that person, and those newly expressed genes get transmitted to the offspring into future generations.

So how do you ensure that your reproductive health is good? You do the same things that improve your overall health:

- Get sufficient (at least 7 hours) and high quality sleep. Search “sleep” on my website for articles on how to improve sleep.

- Minimise sugars (even natural sugars, which still cause inflammation).

- Avoid processed foods and avoid vegetable oils (e.g. sunflower, canola, etc) at all costs. They are known to increase inflammation.

- Make sure you get enough fats to support healthy hormone production. See this study about how increasing consumption of nuts (rich in fats) improved sperm quality in men.

- Take the necessary supplements. See my free supplement guide.

- Hydrate: drink plenty of water throughout the day.

- MOVE: avoid sitting for more than 1 hour at a time.

- Get fresh air and sunlight exposure for at least 1 hour every day (you can break it up).

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