Get uncomfortable...

It’s been scientifically documented that kids as well as adults experience real anxiety if their social media apps are taken away.

I have personally witnessed people losing their temper because their restaurant had run out of their favorite dish.

I have personally heard people complain for days because they had to go down 30 flights of stairs for a fire drill.

I have friends who complain about the selection of movies or the flavor or the food on an airplane.

I know people who’d rather take a cab for a 2km ride than do the 20min walk, or even worse, buy a scooter!

Let’s face it: modern life has made us SOFT.

And that’s not a passive phenomenon. When you’re soft, events will happen in your life which will CRUSH you!

And these events WILL happen! Sooner or later, many undesirable things will happen in your life.

So ask yourself: how are you going to react when they do happen? Are you going to crumble or fight through?

You can’t answer that unless you’ve tested yourself.

So SEEK discomfort - put yourself in situations where you don’t know for sure if you’re going to succeed.

  • Sign up for a marathon, or better yet, a cold and rainy ultramarathon

  • Delete all your social media apps for a week or 2. 

  • Fast for 48 hours, or even better: 72 

  • Sit in a sauna. Do ice baths. 

  • Pretend you’re broke for a week or 2.

  • Mentally rehearse bad events that could happen.

Resilience is like a muscle: if you don’t train it, it gets weak.

