Men, if you're taking Zinc, you'll need to eat this

A quick one for my fellow men out there.

Many of us are supplementing with Zinc and rightly so.

First of all, Zinc is one of the most important minerals for our biology, supporting our immune system and glucose tolerance (how sensitive we are to carbs).

But many of us take Zinc because of its positive effects on fertility and libido (oysters anyone?).

BUT, what many people don't now is that supplementing with Zinc may lead to a depletion in Copper, another important mineral.

Deficiency in copper can cause fatigue & anaemia, and if you're trying to procreate, it can cause DNA fragmentation, lowering the quality of sperm.

So, if you're getting your Zinc from wholefood sources (such as liver or oysters), you have nothing to worry about: both contain an optimal ratio of Zinc to Copper.

But if you're taking Zinc as a supplement, then it would be better for you to get some copper in.

I'm not a fan of supplementing with Copper (the less supplements we take the better), so I'm a bigger fan of getting Copper from foods (especially since you don't need a lot).

Main sources of copper are:

- Liver

- Oysters

- Lobster

- Raw nuts (almonds and cashews), but in much lower concentrations.

For example, eating liver once a week should be sufficient to provide you with enough copper. Eating it twice a week will give you enough Zinc and Copper, so you wouldn't need to supplement.

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