Can fasting for short periods of time reverse diabetes?

This is what a new study ( out of Canada looked into.

They took men with severe cases of diabetes. They were all on daily insulin injections, various drugs, and had high cholesterol and blood pressure.

They put some of the men on a 1-month long regime of fasting on “alternate days”. So they were fasting “every other day”, not every day.

On the “fasting” day, they weren’t “fully” fasting: they were allowed to consume very low caloric drinks (tea, coffee, bone broth), and had one low calorie meal in the evening.

The men on the fasting regime were able to stop their insulin injections and their drugs within a month. In fact, in one case, the man was able to reverse his diabetes within FIVE DAYS!

This was a very small study, and more research needs to be done on this matter.

But I’ve talked about fasting extensively in other posts, including:

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