New study: impact of a mother's Vitamin D level on her baby's development

A new large study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at the association between the Vitamin D level in mothers (during pregnancy) and the health implications for their baby.

This study (link below) was a metastudy: a study of multiple other studies. In fact, this study reviewed 54 different studies, giving it a high level of confidence in the conclusions.

What they discovered is this:

Mothers who were VitD "deficient" (less than 30nmol/L) had babies who:

- Had a low birth weight;

- Had smaller head circumference;

- Were at higher risk of being "Small for Gestational Age";

- Were at higher risk for Pre-Term Birth (premature birth);

- Scored lower on mental and language development tests.

Mothers who were VitD "insufficient" (less than 50nmol/L) had babies who:

- Were at higher risk of being "Small for Gestational Age";

- Were at higher risk for Pre-Term Birth (premature birth).

Link to study.

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