A reminder...

A reminder that June is over and half the year is gone.

A reminder that summer is the laziest period of us, and that we really only have 3 productive months left in 2021.

A reminder that we all aspired to achieve great things in 2021, but many of us are falling short.

A reminder that we have a tendency to get distracted by the menial and forget the commitments we made to ourselves on January 1st.

But also a reminder that there are STILL 6 months left of the year.

A reminder not to let another year pass by without being proud of something you've achieved.

A reminder that if you break down any "life" project in steps no longer than 30 minutes long, you can still take 180 steps forward on your project before year-end.

A reminder that the biggest cause of failure in achieving our plans is lack of planning.

So renew your commitments to yourself before June 30th:

  • You will spend 2 hours this coming weekend to plan the rest of the year

  • You will chose 2-3 large goals to complete before year-end

  • You will create plans for each of those goals, and set weekly mini-goals for each

  • You will break down your tasks in small 30 minutes tasks to complete every day towards your mini goals

  • You will put those tasks in your calendar, because if you don't they won't happen

  • You will hold yourself accountable by telling people about your goals and your progress

Finally, remember that in order to feel that you've "achieved something" in 2021, chose goals from the 6 pillars of human life performance, based on your own priorities for 2021. 

If you need a reminder of what those 6 pillars are, I described them in this article a while back.

Finally, I'm writing this because I myself have slacked off a bit, and I'm angry at myself for taking my foot off the accelerator.

So this is a reminder to myself as well that I have to regain the discipline to spend the time to (i) assess, (ii) plan, and (iii) execute.

Good luck and let's make the rest of the year count!
