Common COVID-19 (Coronavirus) myths

"Hot weather will kill the virus"

It won't. Testing has indicated that COVID-19 can survive hot, cold, humid and dry climates.

"Pets cannot transmit the virus"

We don't know. The WHO is saying that "there is no evidence that dogs can transmit COVID-19". But there is no evidence that they can't either.

"Airport thermal scanners detect the virus"

No they don't. They detect fever. And since the incubation period is 2-10 days, people may be carrying and transmitting the virus 2-10 days before showing any symptoms (like fever).

"It's just a bad flu"

No it isn't. (1) it has a transmission ratio of 2.3, compared to 1.1 for the flu, so more than twice as infectious, (2) it has no cure, (3) it's more deadly, (4) % of COVID-19 patients who need critical care is much higher than the flu, and that's what overwhelming hospitals.

"Immune-boosting supplements can prevent it"

No they can't. I'm all for strengthening immunity by eating healthy & taking supplements, but they won't stop you from getting it - they may lessen the symptoms & help you recover faster.

"Antibiotics help"

No they don't. Antibiotics only work on bacteria, not viruses. In fact, they may make things worse (

"Will we have a vaccine soon"

No we won't. We're months away at best, if not a year (as of now).

“Wearing a mask will protect me”

No it won’t. Common surgical masks (what you bought from the pharmacy) doesn’t stop the virus from coming in. It's designed to keep things from getting “out” not “in”. It will help you stop spreading “your” germs. The only masks that help (not 100%) are N95 respirators, which are (i) expensive, (ii) impossible to wear for hours, and (iii) have to be “fitted” to you by a professional.

“It cannot survive on surfaces”

We don’t know. WHO says that there is “no evidence” that it survives on packages, metal, plastic. But there is no evidence that it doesn’t.

Last update: 15 March 2020.