Want faster sperm? Exercise, and do it with intensity!

A new study looked at the effect of exercise in young men on the quality of their sperm.

It has been known for some years now that low levels of exercise affect sexual functions, but previous studies had primarily focused on how low levels of exercise reduce sexual activity overall.

This study looked at the impact of exercise (if the men exercised and how much) on the "quality" of their sperm.

What the researchers found was that: low levels of exercise (or no exercise) potentially leads to sperm with low motility.

Low motility in sperm means the sperm are "slow", which significantly reduces the chances of a successful fertilization: the sperm reaching the egg and creating an embryo.

Conversely, what the study found was that the "best sperm motility" belonged to men who exercised the most (in terms of hours per week) and the most intensely.

Some doctors in the past have said that "too much exercise" can negatively affect fertility. That's true. But this relates to a very small minority of people who are pushing their bodies beyond the limit: elite athletes who are overtrained, don't get enough sleep and nutrition, and are competing at a very high level.

For 99% of men, the problem is: not enough exercise!

Link to study.

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