New study: risk of death from COVID-19 vs. blood sugar levels in "non-diabetics"

COVID-19 update: risk of death high for those with high blood sugar (even those who are not diabetic).

The findings of this study are not completely surprising, since we already knew that diabetics are at a higher risk of death from COVID-19 complications.

However this is the first large scale study that looked at the risk of death from COVID-19 in patients who are NOT diabetic.

They discovered that a fasting blood glucose level of 110-125mg/dl (6.1-6.9 mmol/L) DOUBLES the risk of death.

While a fasting blood glucose level above 126mg/dl (7mmol/L) more than TRIPLED the risk of death from COVID-19.

This is relevant because SO MANY people have a fasting blood glucose above 110mg/dl, and they are still considered "normal" by most doctors.

Because such a large part of the world's population has high blood sugar now, 110mg/dl is considered "in the normal range", while it should be labeled as "pre-diabetic range".

An "optimal" fasting blood glucose level should be between 85mg/dl and 95mg/dl.

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