10 life & career lessons I learned from racing Ironman - Part 2

10 life & career lessons I learned from racing Ironman - Part 2

Little did I know that my adventure into Ironman Triathlon would lead to a number of "life lessons and principles", which I apply (and teach) in every aspect of my life: career, relationships, personal development, and much more.


This is my story into this magnificent sport and the "life lessons" I learned along the way.

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4 top tips on achieving more with less discipline.

4 top tips on achieving more with less discipline.

Discipline, discipline, discipline! Many "self-help" books and gurus, as well as coaches, praise the benefits of "discipline" as the most powerful tool to achieve anything in life.

But the world is filled with people who struggle to achieve certain goals (weight loss, fitness regime, making a business work, spending time with family, staying away from social media, etc).

If you were to take a survey of people you know today, I would bet that over 50% can list goals they’ve struggle to achieve. 

Are they ALL lacking discipline?

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Are your Sunk Costs stopping you from achieving High Performance?

Are your Sunk Costs stopping you from achieving High Performance?

Should the price you paid for your house 10 years ago affect your decision to sell today?

Should the history and duration of your relationship affect your decision whether to stay in it or not?

Or should the "blood, sweat and tears" you poured into your entrepreneurial venture affect your decision to give up or "stay in the fight"?

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My 1-minute rule for emails

My 1-minute rule for emails

Aren't you frustrated with dealing with 10s of emails every day? some get forgotten, others stress you out, and MOST of them interrupt your workflow and dramatically reduce your productivity!

Here is my productivity "hack" to dealing with large volumes of emails to ensure that you (i) respond to everyone and (ii) maintain high levels of focus and productivity in your work.

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Make your presentation more convincing by manipulating fonts and formatting

Make your presentation more convincing by manipulating fonts and formatting

Did you know that the font and color your chose for your presentation will have an impact on how convincing your presentation is? 

Manipulate the fonts & formatting of your documents to affect the behavior of your reader!

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