How you can help your immune system destroy cancerous cells

We’ve known for years that the majority of cancerous cells live on glucose (sugar).

This is in clear contrast to “normal” cells, which can burn glucose as well as fatty acids (fat) as fuel for producing ATP (energy).

In fact, this is the basis of how the PET Scan machine works. The PET Scan is the most advanced technology used today to detect and locate tumours. It works by scanning the body for areas where glucose (sugar) consumption is very high.

So if cancer cells can only live on glucose but healthy cells can live on both glucose and fat, wouldn’t it make sense to attempt to lower your glucose and try to starve those cells?

This is, in fact, how the human body normally works: during prolonged periods of not eating (16 hours +) the body goes into something called “autophagy”, from the Greek: auto = self, phagy = eat.

During this period, the immune system in the body destroys and gets rid of “junk”, which includes cancerous cells.

Yes! cancerous cells are born in every person, but the immune system keeps them under control by destroying them.

During those periods of autophagy, because those cancerous cells are not getting the glucose they need to become strong and replicate, the immune system can easily destroy them.

In fact, a recent study from Harvard of over 120,000 people ( showed a rise in cancer risk of around 30% in people whose diet is “hyperinsulinemic”: diets that cause a rise in insulin.

What foods causes a rise in insulin? Whatever causes a rise in glucose (blood sugar) will cause a rise in insulin:

Foods with excessive carbohydrates (sugar and starches). These are not limited to foods with “added sugar”. 

To the body, sugar is sugar, so even overconsumption of fruits causes a high level of glucose in the blood, providing “food” for cancerous cells and making them stronger.

Most starches (rice, bread, pasta) cause a significant spike in insulin and blood glucose too.

Lack of exercise causes blood glucose to be continuously elevated.

Eating frequently (every 2-3 hours) doesn’t give your insulin and glucose levels the chance to “settle down”, since every time you eat you spike them back up.

Is high blood sugar the “cause” of cancer? As per the current evidence: No.

But does a high blood sugar “feed” cancer cells and make them stronger? As per the current evidence: Absolutely!

So to be on the safe side, give your body (immune system) what it needs to destroy cancer cells and keep them in check:

- Control your starches and avoid your sugar.

- Eat foods which fight inflammation (

- Don’t eat too frequently (2-3 meals a day max).

- Fast when you can (I do a 24 hour fast once a week, a 48 hour fast once a month, a 3 day fast once every 3-4 months).

- Move! Walk, exercise, don’t spend a lot of time sitting.

- Avoid toxins (alcohol for example).

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